Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Time teaches ...

"To believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at all; but to believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing." ~ Abraham Lincoln 1809-1865

I've been away from home nearly a week now and this saying has come back to haunt me many times over.  At home, surrounded by the walls we built together, the gardens we planted and the trees we watched grow, the room where we shared our dreams, it is easy to believe in the unseen for I can still see and touch.  In our home, he continues to be with me in some tangible way.

This is the longest I have been away from home since his death.  How many times have I wanted to reach for the phone and call to let him know that I arrived safe, that I am enjoying the presence of my family and that he would have enjoyed the great sights ... but most of all that I miss him and so wished he could have joined me on this trip.

I continue to struggle with believing in the unseen.  This trip is teaching me how; teaching me that I really don't need to call, that he is with me always.

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