Thursday, October 27, 2011

New twist on get over it ...

I was sitting with a group of ladies who got into a rather interesting conversation about sex.  I listened to their conversation and laughed along with them.  I happened to look over and noticed the uncomfortable look in one lady's eyes.  It became uncomfortable to watch her discomfort. 

I continued to listened and dared add a little something of my own and I thought she was going to melt!  The look on her face was priceless.  Unfortunately, I was not the only one to notice and the remainder of the group started to catch on.  The conversation ended.  Really?  What just happened? This is as close as I can get to sex and it stops because someone is uncomfortable for me?  Dang!

I did not make a fuss and started listening to the new topic - right amount of sugar to make jam ... sheesh!  Now I'm uncomfortable.  I have never made jam!  What the heck do I know about how much sugar or how long to boil to get good jam?

The opportunity presented itself to be alone with this lady.  So naturally I'm curious and asked why she seemed so uncomfortable.  She was quick to say that she did not think it appropriate for everyone to be talking about "s e x" in my presence.  Hmmm ... and why is that I asked.  I'm not that old to not have an "interest".  No, no, she says ... it's because you no longer have a husband ... you are a widow.  Bless her heart;  but I assured her that widowhood does not mean that you all of a sudden lose interest and have no desire.  Dear girl, this celibacy was not something I chose.  I then asked if she would have the same reservations if a divorcé was in the group.  She paused and said not really.  I so wanted to say something but out of respect for her feelings, I bit down hard on my tongue.  I guess I have not yet learned how to accessorize my widow outfit well enough ... that scarlet W must still be showing!

My turn .... get over it!  Sometimes respect is only that ... stop overanalyzing Ginette.

1 comment:

  1. A well-thought essay, Ginette, funny and painful. It's an interesting topic you have broached here; perhaps you may wish to make it the topic of one of your newsletter articles: "Sex and the Widowed Woman."
