Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Clarity from the heart ...

I read somewhere yesterday, we live until we die.  At first I thought this to be rather dark and cynical.  It stuck with me all day and then the light bulb came on!  I have one opportunity at this and although I have no choice on how and when I die, I do have a choice on how I live. 

As I stood in my unfinished bathroom *double groan*, sander in hand, I began to cry.  At first I thought my tears were because in the here and now, I stink, I am frustrated with the unfinished reno and I am very tired.  However, as the tears lifted the fog, I realized that I had come to the appreciate these words ... we Live until we die. I have a right to live - to laugh and to play.  In that moment, I truly gave myself permission to Live! 

One experience builds on another.  Yesterday I wrote about becoming aware that living life to the fullest does not diminish who Bill is in my life.  Last night, this awareness left my head and settled in my heart.

How profound ... we Live until we die.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not quite there yet, Ginette, but I love what you are saying here.
