Wednesday, February 1, 2012

An investment ...

The man who removed mountains began by carrying away small stones.  ~ Chinese Proverb

In my case and for all those who have lost a love, it is not about moving mountains but filling a pit.  It started with a pebble at a time, replaced by a few stones then came the boulders.  Each occupying its space in the hole left behind and all weighted the same.  With each, I acknowledged my investment in life, not wanting to live a life of endless grief.  Things have come a long way since, where most days I simply carry a few pebbles to continue filling this pit, dealing with the occasional boulders as "life's firsts"  are found along my path.

A year ago today, I remember preparing for the launch of my blog, all the while I was still very much living in a foggy world.  I believe that this simple act of faith marked a beginning and was an investment in the world of the living.

Tomorrow will be the one-year anniversary of my first post, and it was a deliberate step towards transforming my grief.  There were many times, as I sat in the middle of the night writing, that in my mind's eye I saw Bill smiling with encouragement. 


  1. You'll never know how many lives you have touched, Ginette. Bill smiles on you each day.

  2. I have felt so supported by your blog, Ginette. I can see the sun shining through my own fog. But I also know how crucial this has been for your own journey. You're amazing!
