Monday, March 28, 2011

Is there anyone out there?

My screen stares back at me ... what do you write when your words have fallen silent?  When there does not seem to be a single word that can express what is in your heart?

Life without Bill is simply that - life without.  When you have known how it is to be loved so profoundly that life feels like it is without love.

I apologize for the lack of eloquence, for time is .... in motion.  I've been going through the existence of life.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Every morning has a sunrise, every lunchtime a "need" to eat and every evening another sunset that promises a night of unrest.

You wake up every morning hoping and praying that there will be life in a moment at some point of your day.  Every morning you wake up with a promise to yourself to listen and watch for that one moment that says, "You will be okay".

You have all been so quiet.

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