Wednesday, September 7, 2011

God's promise ...

Death is the veil which those who live call life:
They sleep, and it is lifted.
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley

We can only know what we know, what we see and suppose what we don't.  I often wonder if Bill misses me as much as I miss him.  How could he for he is at peace.  I remember thinking on more than one occasion, that he now sees what truly is in my human heart, he now understands the love that grows there for him.  He no longer feels this love restricted by human perception; he now feels the purest love I know how to offer restricted only by my human awareness.

After all, I am limited by what I know - the beauty of a cool crisp starlit night, the smell of my home when a meal invites everyone to the table and the wonders of my love for my family as well as the pain of losing Bill.  I sometimes morn on his behalf, to have lost all of this; then I am reminded that he is always with us.

I am beginning to find balance between these wondrous moments in all their beauty and warmth and my grief.  I embrace life, both in splendour and in pain for that is part of being alive.  I can embrace it all for there is God's promise of a life after death and I suppose it to be marvellous beyond my imagining.

1 comment:

  1. "ye has not seen. Ear has not heard. What God has waiting for those who love him." What a lovely post, Ginette. I surely identify with all that you have written.
