Monday, September 12, 2011

A new normal ...

What a beautiful weekend, taking care of myself beginning with a much needed haircut, dinning with my sister - garçon, Martini please, spending a wonderful evening with a dear friend - Café au lait, make that decaf please and capping it with my family at the dinner table on Sunday night complete with cheesecake and a crackling fire in the back yard.

There were a few hours this weekend that were truly amazing.  Coffee with my friend on Saturday evening.  Coffee with him and with Bill.  This is Bill's dearest and oldest friend.  He was up to see his family and always includes time with me when he comes.  How relaxing it was to spend hours talking about his family, my family and reminiscing openly with someone who has history with Bill and with Bill and I.

For the first time, the conversation was not strained, not filled with sadness nor with pregnant pauses as were conversations of past.  We actually closed the coffee shop and continued our conversation for a good long while on the street standing by our cars, neither wanting this special moment to end.  I came home feeling content and pleasantly tired.

There is life outside of our corridor of grief;  Bill lives on through us.

1 comment:

  1. A lovely recounting of a pleasant interlude; life does go on, doesn't it?
