Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Desperate times, desperate measures!

Of all things, I watched P.S. I Love You on Valentine's Day!  For those of you who have seen this one, I can almost hear you groaning ~ but wait, it does get to be okay.  For those of you who have not, it is a movie where a young widow discovers that her late husband has left her 10 messages intended to ease her pain and help her start a new life.  Well okay, call me crazy but you do some pretty weird stuff when you are grieving ~ like the day wasn't already filled with tears and empty hope!

But being the believer of all things has a silver lining, I got stuck on two quotes during the movie.  The first is when Holly's mom said to her, "So now, all alone or not, you gotta walk ahead.  Thing to remember is, if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too."  This says to me that no matter what, we are not alone.  As I see it, we are all meant to walk our own path.  What is important to remember is whatever choice and decisions and actions we are to take (or not take) we need it to be in our own best interest - and remember that you are not alone.

Through my sobs, I did also manage to capture when Gerry, Holly's late husband says, "Don't be afraid to fall in love again."  Well, like right!  But then I began to think that there are many types of love and so you can be open to love again ~ to love your life (such as it is) ~ to love your work ~ to love your family ~ to love your friends.  So leave your heart open to these many opportunities to love and be loved.  Wow, all this from a chick flick!

We have all suffered a loss in our life and it is not only to the loss through death. There are other losses (friendship, jobs, divorce) that can and have closed our hearts to love, hope and faith.  When we start shutting down our heart to these, we are slowly dying.

So my dear sisters and brothers in grief, keep your hearts open to love and hope for it restores your faith in tomorrow.  You need not be alone; we will be okay.

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