Monday, February 21, 2011

Messy Bed ...

I have taken to filling my bed with my survivor gear!  Yes survivor gear - everything you need to reach for in the middle of the night when no one is there and the silence is too loud.
That would be all of my technology (computer, iPad, cell phone), my box of tissues, two extra body pillows, my glasses, my journals and pen and of course my small DVD player with a box set of some sort or other.  Depending on how I wake up, I simply have to reach out and grab what I need.  My computer if I feel like blogging in the middle of the night (notice the hour of some of my posts), my iPad for a  quick connect to FB or to some missed television show, my journals and a pen if the writing moves me and all the while I might be playing another episode of something or other on my DVD player.  The bed feels full and the deafening silence of the night interrupted!
All this makes for a well-organized messy bed.  Oh well, no PJ's and a messy bed - I think it is a little bit of the rebel in me coming out!  No opinion on this one honey!

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